0831-2438100/123 info@aitmbgm.ac.in


The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 2009. The department has 5 faculty members constituting one Professor and Four Assistant .Professors, hence providing excellent teaching in Mathematics. The department has always shared the vision of the Institute in striving for excellence in teaching and research activities and has succeeded in this endeavour to a large extent. All faculty members have been upgrading their knowledge by attending workshops, seminars, FDP and conferences regularly. The Department has a vibrant research atmosphere backed by excellent infrastructural facilities. Faculties have published more than 20 research papers in National and International Journals and conferences. The main vision of the department is to develop Competent Professionals with relevant mathematical knowledge and render their service to Society. The Visveswaraiya Technological University, Belgaum has recognized Department of Mathematics as a Research Centre in the year 2019 and One student is actively involved in his Research work. The academic ambience and student teacher relationship is cordial. The department encourages the students to participate in extracurricular activities like Innovative Idea presentation, Poster presentation, Seminars on recent development in Engineering with Mathematical applications, pre planned events for Science day celebration, Inter-college competition ‘Math-hunt’ at annual Cultural-Technical fest ‘Vencer’ etc. Head of the Department Dr. Kiran Potadar obtained Ph. D degree in Mathematics from V T U Belagavi in 2020 with more than 14 years of teaching experience. Dr Prabhakar B Mutalik Desai obtained his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from V T U Belagavi in 2016 with more than 22 years of Teaching Experience. degree in Physics.


Mathematics remains no longer an abstract that does not attract engineers and technologists. The subject would inspire and interest them alike only when Mathematics is used for its application in their chosen field. So, the department of Mathematics at AITM plays the role of a transform that helps to address the issues and challenges which Engineers and Technologists encounter in the pursuit of their profession. The department functions from the inception of the institution with the present strength of 5 qualified and dedicated faculty members including 2 doctorates. Excellence and commitment are two eyes of the department as it always strives to be the centre for excellence in acquiring knowledge and skill required for Engineers and Technologists. Department of Mathematics provides necessary skills for the budding engineering graduates to enable them in formulation of real life problems and apply mathematical methods to solve them and analyze the results for drawing logical conclusions. We give great emphasis on development of basics of Mathematics among the students of engineering. Talents of students in Mathematics are identified and students with potential are encouraged. Mathematics department works closely in association with interdisciplinary departments in order to put Mathematics at its maximum applications.

Dr. Kiran Potadar
HOD, Mathematics


Angadi Institute of Technology Management
Savagaon Road, Belgaum,
Karnataka 590009

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0831 243 8123/100

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